In 2024, Rhonda drafted and lobbied for several State statutory amendments for the 2025 legislative session, some of which have been filed.
School Bus Safety Requirements: Current laws do not require privately owned school buses to have deployable stop signs, flashing lights and “Transporting Children” markings that prohibit drivers from passing when children are being picked up or dropped off. Senator Garcia recently filed Senate Bill 52 using language Rhonda drafted. If passed, the Bill will also enable police to ticket drivers who illegally pass privately owned school buses.
Cyber and Vicarious Stalking: Current laws do not prohibit vicarious stalking using a third party or drones to stalk a victim and places the burden on the victim to prove that the victim did not allow the perpetrator to have access to the victim’s electronic devices, security systems or other electronics. Senator Garcia recently filed Senate Bill 54 closing those loopholes using language Rhonda drafted.
Boating Safety Laws and Penalties for Operating a Vessel while Intoxicated, Reckless Boating and Leaving the Scene of Accident: Rhonda lobbied our State representatives to enact amendments to the boating safety laws the State Attorney’s Office drafted. Senator Garcia utilized the draft language and filed Senate Bill 58 proposing proactive changes in the boating safety laws.
Senator, Police Chief & Fire Chief Meeting
Homeowner’s Insurance Rates: The South Florida Building Code requires higher windstorm ratings on structures than the Florida Building Code requires in areas north of South Florida. Enhancement of the Florida Building Code to adopt and implement the South Florida Building Code High Velocity Windstorm requirements will reduce catastrophic storm damage and the cost of future homeowner’s insurance rates throughout the State. Rhonda met with State leaders and the Insurance Commissioner who were receptive to Rhonda’s suggestion to enhance the Building Code statewide to bring down future windstorm insurance costs.
Rhonda at Florida Insurance Commissioner & State Representatives & Senators Meeting
Tree Removal Statute: Four years ago, a State law passed preempting the city’s ability to require permits for removal of all trees or to challenge an arborist’s report that falsely or fraudulently claims a tree is unhealthy. Rhonda has drafted proposed modifications to the State statute that prohibits arborists from using false and fraudulent statements in reports to justify removal of trees. The draft amendment also requires a permit for stump grinding to prevent damage to gas lines, water lines and electrical lines.
Yard Waste & Food Waste as Compostable Materials: Rising costs of garbage and trash disposal and the environmental impacts of food waste, yard waste and incineration of garbage requires innovative steps to allow composting and re-use of materials for construction, nurseries and farming. Rhonda has drafted and is lobbying for expansion of the definition of “Recovered Materials” in Florida law that will allow municipalities to divert these materials from incineration or disposal in landfills.
Notice of Live Local Act Projects in Neighboring Cities: Live Local Act projects in neighboring municipalities impact the traffic and use of our city’s trolleys and services. Rhonda proposed an amendment that will require neighboring municipalities to notify the city of nearby projects proposed so the City can request modifications to the projects that reduce the impact on Coral Gables.